
The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 6): A Fast -Paced Fast Food Life


This YouTube video was about how stress effects eating behaviours of many people. When people feel stress for example like the anxiety of losing a job or having medical care bills to pay for, people tend to run for food to get rid of their stress. Stress has similar functions as pheromone, and it stimulates eating habits. Having stress, we crave for dense calorites and we eat food as a reward. The more stress, the more rewarding the food gets. A community called Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction helps people who have trouble with food change their mental filter and help recognize how to control their appetite. This community's purpose is not to help people loose weight but to promote a better relationship with food.

I think that stress is something that everyone has but eating too much is unhealthy. When I feel irritated, I tend to eat something sweet, but I always try to get a balance of snacks and meals. I think that people in the U.S. are more obese than people in Japan are. I think this is because of the differences in food culture. The food in the States are in large proportions and because that is natural for Americans, they consume it with no doubt. I think that making smaller sizes of food is one way from getting people overweight.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I think you're right about one of the reasons why many Americans are overweight or obese: larger serving sizes. It's also because of the over dependence on junk food, and much higher consumption of animal products than Japanese. Stress may be one factor, but, for Americans, I don't think it's the main reason why so many people are an unhealthy weight.

    The approach taken by the YouTube video that you described sounds very good. It always helps to be more mindful about everything we do; too many people eat almost automatically...as if a conveyer belt were bringing the food into their waiting mouths. I try to appreciate everything that I consume, bite by bite. Choosing good, healthy food makes that easier. Eating at fast food restaurants or convenience stores makes it more difficult.
