
Video Podcast: Good Food - Composting

This video podcast was about how to compost leftovers without wasting it by throwing it away. The video introduces how to compost by using earthworms. There are some cautions that you cannot put in any meat or dairy products because bad bacteria will effect the soil. Also, when you want to put a citrus peel, you would have to put an egg shell inside in order to neutralize the acids. The video also introduced how to use a compost bin that is more familiar to everyday life and more easier to handle.

When I first heard the word "composting", I first thought it was gross to handle because it was somthing that has to do with worms. But as I watched the video, I found out that composting is easy to do and very earth friendly. It was surprising that it only takes weeks to fully decompose the trash. Composting is not something that is familiar to a lot of people but if this video can be an opportunity for more people to know about it, I think watchig this video was meaningful.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I hope the video inspired you to do some composting yourself at your home. I have a friend (actually Strong Sensei's wife) who is composting using earthworms. She offered me some so that I could start my own composting. Actually, my wife can't stand worms, so I'm thinking of composting in my office. The only problem is that I'll have to transport all my "namagomi" (organic waste) from my home to my office every day. Hmmm. I'm still thinking about it. Do you have any advice?
